Tourists banned from areas in Kyoto

I’ve seen a lot about this on instagram, so some may already know about this, but haven’t seen it here yet so if you’re planning on visiting the more traditional parts of Kyoto to see the cherry blossoms or any trips in the future, you should be aware that some places are completely closed off to tourists. From what I understand this is mostly in the Gokagai area, where the geisha districts are, so Gion Kobu, Gion Higashi, Kamishichiken, Pontocho, and Miyagawacho but from the maps it definitely appears to mostly be in the Gion area, the small private streets where people live, those quieter places off of the main drag, are now no longer allowing tourists to walk through them regardless of where you’re from. The reason behind this ban is the harassment that has been prevalent towards the Geiko and Maiko that are practicing and living there, including physical assault, and people not respecting the locals privacy including ignorantly walking into their entrance ways. There are signs to let you know if a place is restricted from tourists, so if you’re planning on visiting, please be aware and keep an eye out for them.

by Moushidoodles

  1. Some background as to why this measure has been taken.


    and here:


  2. This is overblown a million-fold. Mostly aggressive jerks demanding selfies. Geishas are highly respected and cherished; sad that idiots have disrespected them.

  3. All tourists must be banned from kyoto. Imagine living there as a resident for 20+ years and now everytime u step out of ur house it’s equivalent to entering a human zoo

  4. Went to Gion end of February and some private side streets already had prohibition to take pictures and security guards. It was only a few streets, not a big deal.

  5. Tourists did this to themselves. I am not even mad. Geisha/maikos just want to do their job.

    As someone from a tourist heavy town, i understand Kyoto residents frustration.

  6. I’ll be going to Japan around the end of the year and I want to respect the rules. I do have a qiestion: is there a way to get a picture of geiko/maiko? For example if you pay for a tea ceremony, is it OK to take a picture/video or not?

  7. Is it easy to know which streets are off limits? Are there fences or big (English) signs? I’m going in October and scared of wandering into one unknowingly and I don’t want to do that.

  8. Any idea who counts as a tourist? Like, if we have a 在留 card, are we allowed in? Is it more restrictive, like Kyoto residents only, and even Japanese people from Kanto aren’t allowed there?

    Edit: Why on Earth would I possibly get downvoted for asking this? 😂

  9. Reasonable given some of the tourists behaviours I’ve seen in Kyoto. Saw 3 American tourists drunk out of their minds on the Nara line purposefully arguing, leaving cans of drink on the floor, and being generally unpleasant.

  10. What is the best and most respectful way to be able to see Geiko and Maiko up close, and maybe snap a few pics?

    I’m heading from Osaka to Kyoto tomorrow.

  11. I was there three weeks ago and there were already signs for private streets, no pictures, etc. Are they extending the zones or something ?

    It’s so easy to just walk around, make sure you’re not overstepping boundaries and respect the place you’re in. Some tourists shouldn’t be allowed to travel.

  12. I’m at a hotel in the gion district now. Haven’t seen any issues personally being around geishas, or being restricted from areas yet. Just be polite and respectful. I know it’ll be more restricted in April, but I feel like it’s being overblown on social media, even though I don’t mind it if it gets people to stop being shitty.

    You wouldn’t believe how many foreigners I’ve had to tell to be quiet on mass transit because they are essentially yelling in a completely quiet spot.

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