Small Tip for Reading (when you can’t find the exact definition for a word in the dictionary)

I just ran into this and I’ve done this several times before in the past and thought it might be useful for someone else. Basically when I’m reading something and can’t figure out what a certain word means, even though I’m looking it up in the dictionary. In this case, the word was “トリ”

Here’s the word with the passage in context. I’ve bolded + italicized the word as well:
> 今日のプログラムは、まず部活ごとのパフォーマンスから始まる。ダンス、バンド、合唱なんかがあって、クラス演目も全て終わってから演劇部が***トリ***を務めることになる。

First definition that comes up when I use my Yomichan dictionaries is bird. Doesn’t make much sense. After that is 取り which means lots of different things. I think with these sorts of words that have so many definitions it’s difficult to know for sure what fits the best.

So I just asked [ChatGPT for some help here]( Of course the issue here is that ChatGPT sometimes makes mistakes. So for [good measure I also pasted it into DeepL]( Both of these seems to say that “トリ” means the last act. And sure enough, with that information [I can find the right definition in yomichan](

Just wanted to share this as I find this a lot easier and less unwieldy than trying to google the term. Without doing this there’s probably a 99% chance I would have just continued on without really knowing what “トリ” meant here. I find this useful for words that either mean lots of different things, or are maybe slang/very casual and are difficult to pinpoint an exact dictionary definition.

I’m sure maybe some readers could have figured out the definition from the context clues but for me, it’s nice to have some more certainty about what something means.

by lee_ai

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