Ceiling fix?

Hi! Can anyone recommend a contractor/workman to fix some (fake) wood ceiling panels i.e. 底目天井板. Just need the two damaged ones replaced.

And if anyone can recommend a store to buy them at that would be wonderful too!

Thank you!

by Morning_springs

  1. I don’t know any contractor/workman but I would like to know how did that happen

  2. For the curious, very long and complex story short, it was caused by my boyfriend who lost his sh*t, shortly before we called the police, to let the neighbors upstairs know we were aware of the child abuse that had been going on. Now the child is safe (at least for now) we’d just like to repair the ceiling and move on.

    So why am I disclosing this info….. Not for a virtual pat on the back but simply because none of the other neighbors did a damn thing (which incensed my bf) so please (please!) don’t hesitate to call the police anonymously if you even suspect child abuse is occurring. Do not knock on the neighbor’s door yourself (if that needed to be said).
    That’s not my opinion but advice given by fairly senior cops in Kyoto and Osaka we know and turned to for guidance.
    Yes, Japanese cops tend to sit on their asses but when it comes to even suspected child abuse they move surprisingly quickly.
    Please look out for each other and especially those who can’t look out for themselves. Thanks

    Edit: no he didn’t expect to put his fist through it. It’s just a crap construction job.

  3. Tell your landlord you need to repair your ceiling. They probably know a guy.

  4. Gonna have to call your landlord. That’s going to be a specialty. No doubt. Or leave it and they’ll just take it out of your key money.

  5. I think only way is to tide over by 木目調床シート sold at home center.

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