RE company wants us to give up our easement

We were contacted by the real estate company who owns the plot next to our new house going up. We haven’t had good luck with this company. One problem was with their construction company illegally parking on our land when their house first went up (before our construction started). That was later rectified, and then they stupidly put up a fence between the two plots without getting us to agree on the design (it was later removed by the same construction company who mistakenly put it there).

To the main story: the original owner of the two neighboring plots (these originally were part of a larger single family house torn down) had both plots grant an easement for a small corner of the adjacent edges to make it easier for parking. The real estate company wanted us to simply sign off to remove them from both registrations, but that also means we would have to pay for our own to be changed. My feeling, since they are mutual easements that the original owner set up, is they should pay to remove them (I am assuming the owner they finally found >> that RE’s house was finished about 6 months ago and was finally sold about a week ago wants it changed) and pay us compensation as well for inconveniencing us.

We don’t really need it so much: the neighboring house built a garage, so they don’t need our plot edge to pull in and out and we had an electric/telephone pole moved so we have easier access now. I just feel with the previous two ‘fu\*\*ups’ on their part we hardly owe them much.

What do you think? What would you do? And no, we haven’t met the actual new neighbors yet, as they still haven’t moved in yet.

by senseiinnihon

1 comment
  1. If it were me, I’d be fine with them changing it, but of course I’d except them to pay. But I might also wait for the new owners and see what they want to do. Since you’re living next to them, it’s always good to try and be friendly.

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