Forgot to pay NHI as a student and coming back on a 1y WHV – what can happen?

So, I'm not proud of it but I might have some sort of a debt from the time I was studying in Japan. I remember paying the nhi premiums for the first 3months, but then I completely forgot about it (i didn't speak japanese, first time living abroad and never had to deal with that kind of things back home).
Also the mailbox was filled with crap like ads and such so I rarely checked it…

When I left the appartment after 11 months I suddenly realized I hadn't pay for a while… I was quite anxious and went to ask my japanese landlord. He told me it wasn't great but not that bad, and it was okay if I didn't go since a lot of foreigners do it. I was leaving soon so I didn't…

Fast forward to now, I'm going to japan on a whv (and now speak japanese a bit) and I would really like to pay my debt and be in the clear.

But I'm scared since it was 5 y ago and I didn't cancel the subscription, is it still running to this day even if my visa was 1y? How much debt can I be in considering the delay in the payment?

I'm not going to the same city but with my western name I doubt they will have any issue finding me. Is there a way i could pay even before coming? Whats the worst that can happen if not and they find me? Could I lose my visa even if I'm willing to pay?

I know it's quite a tricky situation but any insight would be helpful.


by IDonutI

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Forgot to pay NHI as a student and coming back on a 1y WHV – what can happen?**

    So, I’m not proud of it but I might have some sort of a debt from the time I was studying in Japan. I remember paying the nhi premiums for the first 3months, but then I completely forgot about it (i didn’t speak japanese, first time living abroad and never had to deal with that kind of things back home).
    Also the mailbox was filled with crap like ads and such so I rarely checked it…

    When I left the appartment after 11 months I suddenly realized I hadn’t pay for a while… I was quite anxious and went to ask my japanese landlord. He told me it wasn’t great but not that bad, and it was okay if I didn’t go since a lot of foreigners do it. I was leaving soon so I didn’t…

    Fast forward to now, I’m going to japan on a whv (and now speak japanese a bit) and I would really like to pay my debt and be in the clear.

    But I’m scared since it was 5 y ago and I didn’t cancel the subscription, is it still running to this day even if my visa was 1y? How much debt can I be in considering the delay in the payment?

    I’m not going to the same city but with my western name I doubt they will have any issue finding me. Is there a way i could pay even before coming? Whats the worst that can happen if not and they find me? Could I lose my visa even if I’m willing to pay?

    I know it’s quite a tricky situation but any insight would be helpful.


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  2. So you may/may not end up getting a bill when you register at city hall after arriving on your WHV. There’s a statutory limit on how far back they can collect, but I don’t recall how far it goes.

    The good news is that you won’t have to pay for the entire period between then and now. You’re only required to pay it when you’re a resident, so you won’t have back charges for the period after you left the country.

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