Minimum wage increased by 50 yen, the largest increase ever, to 1,054 yen per hour due to high prices,

Minimum wage increased by 50 yen, the largest increase ever, to 1,054 yen per hour due to high prices,

by ZaBlancJake

  1. Japan’s _average_ min wage climbed to 1054yen.

    Some prefectures are still below 900yen.

  2. Drop of water in a 5 gallon pail. 6000¥ a month if you only work 30 hrs a week. No wonder kids don’t leave home to live on their own.

  3. No point if they don’t standardise the minimum wage across the country.

  4. Lol, I saw jobs as low as 900 yen not that long ago. I just saw a job offering 1000 yen an hour two days ago as well.

    Is this for full time work only?

  5. If the average work week is 60 hours the increase is only 3000yen. Still pretty shit considering the increase in food items was roughly 10% in 2023 and obviously higher in 2024.
    Needs to go up by 200yen atleast

  6. Still a joke.
    In Germany it’s almost double yet living costs are the same, food is even cheaper.

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