private tutor suddenly persuaded me to do N2 prep early. advice please

"From now on, we try more N2 questions than N3 questions as (in my opinion) N3 is much easier than N2?

However, you also need to build up the foundation, we sometimes do basic questions as well. Thanks.

– private tutor's text during the week

Am prone to think that my teacher thought of me over the week, for some very unexpected/undescribed reasons. while nice and super delightful, and her request is exactly what i wanted, aaaaand I want us to be on the path of success, some road blocks:

My next exam is N3 and I'm limited by time. Consider prepping with mock papers. say I can do a total of 10 papers until December. How should I allocate time? 7 N3 and 3 N2? What are your thoughts?

Confidence is a factor. Per teacher's request, I did a N2 mock paper (vocab and grammar). I got 50% correct. I previously did a separate vocab section. That too got 50%. I worry that if I do go down the route of doing N3 and N2 prep concurrently, my confidence tanks and my confusion increases.

what do you think?

by neworleans-

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