Cheapest way to get drivers license in Kansai area

Hi everyone. To make a very long story short, I forgot to renew my Japanese driving license and the deadline was more than 6 months ago. Yes, I know! Total Baka move on my part but live and learn I guess. I'm going to the menkyo center tomorrow and I'm fairly certain I'll have to do the whole license process from scratch. I'm still planning to beg for a renewal but I don't have a lot of hope. Aside from absentmindedness I simply do not have a good reason for why I didn't renew. Also, converting from my foreign license is not an option as that license has also expired.

From what I've seen online so far, going through a driving school is a must. I've heard that if you go through a driving school you can fail the test several times until you pass it, which saves money apparently. Plus I'm aware that despite the fact that I can drive, the test is difficult because of the hundreds of little details you have to remember and do.

Having said that, is it at all possible to find a driving school course for around ¥100,000 or ¥150,000 in the Kansai area?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

by Father-of-Hayk

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