Woman Arrested in Osaka Over Spraying ‘Tear Gas’ in Restroom

Woman Arrested in Osaka Over Spraying ‘Tear Gas’ in Restroom


  1. Where are these people even buying tear gas from?

    There seem to have been a number of incidents like this over the years; that arson murderer who killed those people in the psychiatric clinic in 2021, for example.

  2. “Yep! Yes sir, I most definitely sprayed them with tear gas!”…finally, someone sick of baba’s antics and willing to do something about it.

  3. So this woman sprayed an older lady with mace for some reason. What was the old woman doing that prompted such a response. Maybe that should be investigated.

  4. The article is written in a suggestive manner with constant references to the woman who got sprayed’s age. While I think it’s absolutely a shit thing to spray tear gas in an enclosed space that affects bystanders too (which happened in this according to the article) I wonder what happened that this woman felt the need to use tear gas. She could be a nut job for all we know but I’m interested in hearing her side of the story before I go ‘oh that poor granny’.

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